
Living stones (Lithops) Composition

By purchasing this Kit, you will receive: Plants of Lithops including Lithops aucampiae and Lithops karasmontana.

You will also receive a wooden pot (height 10cm, width 12cm, length 20cm), the pot is not pierced because it is designed for your home. Your furniture will not get wet with this composition. Water plants sparingly and lovingly

Special soil for succulents, decorative stones, and gravel are included in the kit.

The type of plants supplied in this composition may vary depending on the season or availability.



South Africa




Bright area of the house


Regular every 10 days from early spring to July. Suspend completely in the hot period (July / August) when the plant goes to rest. Start again with the first fresh of September until the end of October. Suspend in winter. Always wait until the earth is completely dry before watering again.

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